Thursday, June 01, 2006

Late Nights

This is an example of songwriting from the gut. Or maybe stupid certitude. One of those times when you automatically "hear" a word or phrase being sung over your melody. So, you pursue it and - whatever the hell the word is - you create a story/portrait around it. For me - this happened with "Late Nights" - and the notes are F and C, just for the record. The chords are E flatmaj7/Em79 - courtesy of Roberta Joan Anderson. Thanks Roberta.


late nights
underneath the stars
one wish
comin true so far

hollow in my hand
gotta meet the man
of slow dissolve
spinning shadow tales
underneath the bridge
as he allows

its the worst in me
the worst in me
is all
I see when meteors
begin to fall

thin lines
runnin through this town
one rail
bending gently down

stenciled on my back
a stubborn one-way track
to hide away
whistling so near
spikes of lead and hammers
here to stay

its the best in me
the best in me
is all inside

as i keep on trading
vultures out for whipporwills
with the branches
holding steady an unseen
murder of crows
waiting to take their turn
in the silent crossfire
that waits for me

dark doors
lining every street
snaking in between

scattered heartbeats sound
to check the echoes round
and contemplate
distances between
gates and borders
of these sad estates

its the worst in me
the worst in me
is all
i feel when this town's
pulse begins to fall

old roads
running out and back
no one sems to crack

dancing out of breath
limping in the stretch
but shouldering
one more swing at it
got to think of it
as soldiering

its the best in me
the best in me
is all inside

and i keep on trading
vultures out for whipporwills
with the branches
holding steady an unseen
murder of crows
waiting to take their turn
in the silent crossfire
that waits for me



Chicago Dave said...

Lol - you damn right I did !!!!

Good catch.

Yet, you also mis-spelled "no one"
in the very message yourself.

Also "love ya" - should have an apostrophe

Other than these errors...


Chicago Dave said...

Za-Zing!! You've just been zinged !

Perdita said...

murder of crows... I like that phrase.

collective bird names are great -- A conspiracy of ravens, an unkindness of ravens, a constable of ravens, a piteousness of doves, a murmuration of starlings, a trembling of finches. If only such group names applied to people-- what would you call a group of hippies?? or trixies? or songwriters?

in college once I had a girl in a still life drawing class convinced that you called a group of beets a harem. she believed me because I told her I'd grown up on a farm.

Chicago Dave said...

Just noticed my intro to these lyrics has another mistake: the chords should be Eflatmaj7/Dm79.