Tuesday, September 13, 2005

the fox's secret (and the lion's share)

The Fox’s Secret (& the Lion’s Share)

You knelt before me like a soul to be knighted
With a look so adoring I could scarcely be frightened
I gave you my hand so you could stand beside me

You were so pretty and so deceiving
I didn’t realize you were holding a knife
You should have been at home with your wife

My eyes were not at fault for you were beautiful
But I should have remembered
That one can only see rightly with the heart

I should have known it was doomed from the start
You didn’t even use your real name
I’ll take all (or at least most) of the blame

After all, I wanted to be tamed

*I knelt before you like a soul to be knighted
with a look so adoring that you must have been frightened
you gave me your hand so I could stand behind you

you were so pretty and so untrue
I didn’t realize that you were holding a knife
You should have been at home with your wife

* This reversal of the first verse wasn't added until perhaps April of this year. I'm not sure why I did that.

The first time I really impressed Narciso at the Sub-t, this song was one of the ones I played.

I wrote this song about a 27 year old boy I knew who was smitten with me but would leave his 17 year old girlfriend for me because I was a Leo like his ex-wife. (That's a bit of a simplification, but not by much). Hence, "The Lion's Share" (Leo, lions, get it?) and "the fox's secret" is from The Little Prince, which was a book that factored greatly into our emotional affair. The idea of "being tamed" was an important facet of the Little Prince's relationship with the fox, and an important facet of the relationship I had with this boy.

Oh, I am so stupid.

"My eyes were not at fault for you were beautiful" is taken from Shakespeare's Cymbeline, a play I was acting in at the time. I act, occasionally, and not very well (in my opinion).

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